
Installing and using hiegeo should be relatively easy, and thanks to Python’s flexibility, that should be feasible on many operative systems (OSs), including MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.


To use the hiegeo module you need a standard Python3.X installation, together with the main mathematical and plotting libraries (numpy, pandas, matplotlib etc) and the module anytree, which is required to handle the hierarchical structures. If pip is used for the installation, all there requirement should be automatically satisfied.


Probably, unless you are working with Linux and you can use some package manager like Synaptic, the easy way to have Python up and running on your system is to use Anaconda ( Therefore, download and install the Python (version 3.X) of Anaconda which is suitable for your OS by following the instruction provided on the Anaconda web site.

Install hiegeo

The suggested way is to use pip (which should be also already available with Anaconda).

hiegeo is available at the Python Package Index repository. Therefore, in can be easily installed (together with its dependencies) with the command:

pip install hiegeo

Alternatively, if you prefer to download the sources from, you can:

  1. Clone or download this repository on your hard drive.

  2. If required, unpack it and cd hiegeo.

  3. Inside the project directory, from the command line:

    pip install -e .
  4. To check if it worked, open a Python terminal and try:

    import hiegeo